Forums / The hangaround / US last year as a superpower?

US last year as a superpower?
01:01:51 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Roxbury:

  • Massive economic crisis is eroding the US financial strength.
  • New president in Barack Hussein Obama, a man that seems to have no intention on conquering the world.
  • Russia is asserting control over the former Soviet states and their resources.
  • Iraq and Afghanistan are keeping all US military busy.
  • The US is not very popular in the world after GW Bush, makes it harder to use soft power to get things done..

Is 2008 the last year of the US as a Superpower?

01:12:37 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Sharkmen:

And that is bad??

01:50:50 Oct 13th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

Probably our last year as a non-third world country...




jk...or am I?


01:51:09 Oct 13th 08 - Sir Mingan:

Only for a little while.

Being second place is still pretty good.

01:59:16 Oct 13th 08 - Ms. Living Dead Girl:

  • Massive economic crisis is eroding the US financial strength.
  • i think the greatest part of this is simply paranoia , so investors ect are pulling out , interest rates going up b/c of that ect ect .
  • New president in Barack Hussein Obama, a man that seems to have no intention on conquering the world.
  • I Like Barack , can't stand Bush or Bill Clinton but miss Ronald Regan . But i Honestly do not think much will change that is already in progress , Barack could not if he tried look as bad as Bush so will be an instant favorate even if he messed up are economy for next 20 years , post war we will see an economic boom and who ever is press will look good no matter who it is they will get credit .
  • Russia is asserting control over the former Soviet states and their resources.
  • Russia ? , vodka ? Russian people nice people , the leadership like This country (america) No better ! i say , Rich emty shell brained *beep*s ruled by out dated statistics to Find the best way to make there families stay wealthy for generations to come .
  • Iraq and Afghanistan are keeping all US military busy.
  • LOL yah right , you underestemate the US military .
  • The US is not very popular in the world after GW Bush, makes it harder to use soft power to get things done..
  • the highway to hell is paved with Good intent , unfortunatly so it is with evil intent . No matter what country , no matter were you are who you are ruled by , if viewed as "The" superpower you will be dammed when you do and also when you dont . it will always be save one dam the other .

02:06:27 Oct 13th 08 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

Just watched Charlie Wilson's war yesturday... nice movie indeed.

Am I worried about dem Russians?  Not so much anymore :)

02:11:15 Oct 13th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

Seen that, my opinion is that Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, Australia, and Antarctica will magically sink into the ocean along with the northern part of North America (Canada) and Mexico, leaving the US by itself...POWAH! ;-)

02:26:20 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

  • Massive economic crisis is eroding the US financial strength.
  • Umm...are you forgetting that our "economic crisis" is screwing over the rest of the world as well? Our sinking market is causing the world market to sink as well.  Just in case you missed that tidbit.

  • Russia is asserting control over the former Soviet states and their resources.
  • the rest of the world doesn't care...

  • Iraq and Afghanistan are keeping all US military busy.
  • We still have tons of troops NOT in those two counties...

  • The US is not very popular in the world after GW Bush, makes it harder to use soft power to get things done..
  • I think people just look at all the wrong things he has done...(still dont like him though)

    02:31:54 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Random:

    I'd hate to say it but china will soon be taking over..... economically that is.

    03:41:43 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Doctor Strange:

      china's just about already taken over, but most of it doesn't matter anymore, to put earth in VU perspective:

      everyone's nap'd/map'd everyone else of any significance,
     the larger kd's are actually giving money to the smaller one's,
      when the large kd's run out of money it doesn't matter, they just borrow it.
     the lone rulers that still wish to wage war are constantly sent pm's about how insane they are, and openly bad-mouthed on forums. 
      everyone's kd forum is trying to reassure their kd mates that they're the best, and that the other kd's aren't.  
     everyone's farming trying to build up their sciences, "just in case"

    04:11:00 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Pyrofire:

    many ppl don't relize the strength behind a capitalist economy
    but it would make sense if it did fall since pres. GWB is leaving and he was the best pres since abe

    08:31:24 Oct 13th 08 - Duke Senturu:

    the US is in a depression. people just dont realize it yet. the reason our economy is failing is because people take loans from banks and cant pay them back so the banks lose money so they take loans, and when they cant pay the others back what they borrowed we all lose money.

    and we think that if we throw money at it it'll just go away. what were doing is throwing money at a spot where it shouldnt go. not to the banks. but to the people. the people cuz then they can get their homes. pay of their loans etc etc etc

    08:39:21 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

    I also hope people don't have the "The US is finally getting what they deserve" mentality because this isn't affecting just us.  This is being felt worldwide...

    08:40:05 Oct 13th 08 - Duke Senturu:

    True. China is missing out on their...what 3 trillion we owe em?

    08:46:03 Oct 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

    Those poor bastards will never get it back >_>

    22:05:56 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

    The US military is apparently bigger than the next 22 countries put together, I hope John Mccain wins, or Americans will suffer from non-english power, people will realise George W.Bush was a good president once and for all

    22:15:15 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Batman:

    I hope so!

    I got fed up with the USA long ago...

    22:38:00 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Vacla Hanclarune:

    I believe that the economic crisis will continue, and gradually become worse before it becomes better. Also, I believe once the economic crisis is over, someone with brilliant new ideas (*cough* me *cough*) will invent some things and become a great scientist who revolutionalizes the entire way that the world looks at physics. Also, Bush does suck at being president. First off, we could have just removed Saddam and left it at that, but Bush wanted revenge for some.....thing that no one can understand. So instead of leaving them to make up their own govt. we stomp in there and try to force them into our way of seeing things getting them more pissed off than before. Second; we started this whole thing on false pretenses that were barely plausible to begin with and it was like everyone was too stupid to see it was personal revenge instead of getting rid of terrorists. And also, I like britain better and plan to move there once I have enough money stockpiled away to last me for a while.

    22:40:37 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

    "but it would make sense if it did fall since pres. GWB is leaving and he was the best pres since abe"


    "people will realise George W.Bush was a good president once and for all"


    22:54:30 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Batman:

    Mr. Vacla Hanclarune
    we stomp in there and try to force them into our way of seeing things getting them more pissed off than before

    One word, OIL.

    22:59:44 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Deerslayer:

    GWB was not a terrible president, I'll put it that way.

    Once Obama gets elected (hopfully not) they'll see how he really fails to lead. I mean come on look at his own state, especially Chicago one of the the worst education systems around the country, and has one of the highest murders/crimes around the country. How can we expect this guy who in fact BENEFITED from this economic crisis be our next president?

    If Obama becomes president I'm moving to Japan MOFO's!!!! Lol why japan? Cuz then I can become an anime animator WOOT WOOT!!

    Personally I like don't like McCain that much because of his views on illegal immigration, but McCain is the lesser of two evils so BAM!\

    Batman if we went in their for oil, then prices should've gone down so then why didn't they?

    23:07:53 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

    I find the title of this thread ill thought out. If the US were to fall from being a super power, it would take longer than a year (baring immense disaster).

    The US is far from falling out as a super power at this time though just look at our economic size even while we are in a supposed crises. Japan which has the worlds second largest economy is less than 1/3 of our spending power.

    I don't really see us falling, now we might loose our number one spot eventually, but we will always be powerful. Americans are to willing to work for us to be a second rate country.

    one more point, it's not just the US experiencing financial problems, it's most of the world.

    23:12:59 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

    I like Bush, he just got screwed with about every problem that could happen to America. The Oil Crisis is a planetwide problem, we have it easier than everyone else. But we blame Bush for that anyway. Saddam Hussien was killing thousands of innocents and its been America's policy to stand against tyrants and genocide, now that we've done that and its costing us money, we blame Bush for it. And on, and on, and on.....

    Quit blaming Bush because Obama tells you to, do the actual research.

    Obama's tax plan is a feel good plan to give us money for a few months until America falls apart, McCain's plan is directed at healing the economy and actually fixing the problem. Pretty self explanitory who I'm voting for I guess......

    23:17:26 Oct 13th 08 - Mr. Batman:

    Yes, but the thing that worries me most is this:


    The Outstanding Public Debt as of 13 Oct 2008 at 09:16:26 PM GMT is:
    $ 1 0 , 2 7 9 , 6 3 6 , 8 5 0 , 0 1 6 . 1 1

    The estimated population of the United States is 304,902,241
    so each citizen's share of this debt is $33,714.53.

    If you look worldwide, this is HUGE. No wonder where the USA got its spending power.... they borrow the money! Sure I can spend loads if I borrow it... The system is all wrong, and the entire world is paying for this poor system as we all use it...

    00:02:03 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

    our gdp is over 14 trillion.

    00:04:11 Oct 14th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

    well RULE BRITANNIA! come you rebelious bastards children! fall back under the dominion of the greatest empire in history.. together we can exploit the middle east better

    00:08:00 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:

    YAY!!!! You watch Code geass too?

    00:24:33 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Reddragon:

    lol Bush is the best president. Everyone says that the victorious write the history, if Bush wasnt the usa president ,he will be considerated like another genocide dictator. He invaded irak under false premises because he wante its oil.(I Aint saying that sadam was a good boy XD). Usa governments overthrowed a lot of democratics governments in latinoamerica in the 6'th and 70th because they were socialist and the countries were growing in wealth) they dont like powerfull countries near they frontiers, so a poor country is better and the new dictatorish goverments raised by usa got high loans of money that right now are we still paying.
    So youre still wondering why people dont like GWBush.
    Sorry for some grammatical errors.

    00:43:21 Oct 14th 08 - Sir Mingan:

    the  'war for oil" argument is just more bumpersticker mentality. You keep proving what I have said before, you are all brainwashed by leftist media. Please stop listening to what your TV tells you. Forget about the New York Times. They ALL have a leftist agenda. They teach the ignorant to hate conservatism. You are too blind to see it, and so you fall for it EVERY TIME.

    00:55:46 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

    The Left Wing has more of a foot-hold but I will admit that the Conservative's have their own methods of brainwashing as well. Both sides are Politicians after all :-(

    The whole war for oil arguement is a buch of bull however, although the Democrats will keep holding on to it as an arguement against Bush...

    00:59:32 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:

    Even if it was a war for oil like deerslayer said (which he/she is right) if it was a war for oil then wouldn't the price being going down, because whats the point in fighting over oil if the fighting would just increase the price ehhh?

    11:43:57 Oct 14th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

    Mr. Brainiac


    10/13/2008 6:08:00 PM
    YAY!!!! You watch Code geass too?


    ehh? wtf is code geass

    19:52:57 Oct 14th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

    Lord Charley Deallus


    10/12/2008 6:26:20 PM
  • Massive economic crisis is eroding the US financial strength.

    Umm...are you forgetting that our "economic crisis" is screwing over the rest of the world as well? Our sinking market is causing the world market to sink as well.  Just in case you missed that tidbit.

  • Russia is asserting control over the former Soviet states and their resources. the rest of the world doesn't care...

  • Iraq and Afghanistan are keeping all US military busy.

    We still have tons of troops NOT in those two counties...

  • The US is not very popular in the world after GW Bush, makes it harder to use soft power to get things done..

    I think people just look at all the wrong things he has done...(still dont like him though)

  • We have Sam Fisher, Solid Snake, the Ghosts, Chuck Norris, Indiana Jones, Adam West, and Snake Plissken...

    21:41:10 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

    "ven if it was a war for oil like deerslayer said (which he/she is right) if it was a war for oil then wouldn't the price being going down, because whats the point in fighting over oil if the fighting would just increase the price ehhh?"

    It would be if you're a simpleton that doesn't understand how oil is traded. It's not about the price of oil it's ACCESS to oil that's all about. Oil is priced the same stocks are, on a stock market, there is nothing that can change that. What the US wanted and still wants is access to actual oil to buy, they don't want to buy from Venezuela and other unfriendly countries so they went into Iraq with the idea that they'll buy that Iraqi oil.

    It doesn't stop there either, by invading Iraq they were in a position to place American oil companies in charge of administering the oil fields for the Iraqi gov. , so not only did they secure themselves oil from a relatively friendly nation but also they win by having American companies making profits from the administration of the oil fields, even if most of the money goes to the Iraqi gov., as it should.

    Of course oil wasn't the only reason they went into Iraq, there were other motives also. Increasing American influence in the middle east, removing a dictator that was put in power by the CIA which always reminded the world of how the CIA dealt with things, Iran issues and not in the least that Bush had daddy issues and always saw Saddam being in power as a loose end left by his father that he wanted to fix.

    22:15:50 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

    China taking over soon <-- Big lol. Japan & Germany still beat China, along with the US. America! *beep* yeah!

    22:43:38 Oct 14th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

    Yeah prices aren't going down because oil companies love their money...

    22:58:31 Oct 14th 08 - Sir Mingan:

    The U.S. is popular, that is why the world immigrates to the United States.  People do not immigrate to crummy countries, they pick the good ones. The reason you think it is not popular is because your leftist news media makes you think that way. You just walk around and repeat whatever they tell you and you never stop to consider the validity of their information.


    22:59:29 Oct 14th 08 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

    Media FTW!

    23:21:37 Oct 14th 08 - Sir Mingan:

    Look, the war for oil argument is for imbeciles to mull over. You people can't get over your own faults to know how the oil industry works. If the U.S. wanted to take over a country for access to oil, there is a whole bunch of it MUCH closer to the U.S. than Iraq. In fact there is a lot of it offshore they can't get to because of bevy of environmental laws the U.S. has imposed on ITSELF.

    People that need to have the oil are placing bids on the supply the world has at hand. There is a limited amount of supply that has stayed rather constant, and the DEMAND for oil has constantly been rising. To get the oil, you need to place a higher bid for it than the next buyer. It does not matter where it comes from. It could come from Iraq, or Mexico, or Venezuela, or China, or west Texas. It is ALL in the same market. Oil is a fungible resource, and has become much more expensive simple due to supply and demand issues.

    The war in Iraq puts a huge wedge inside the unstable and dangerous Middle-East between terrorist Islamic states. These are the people that want to make Europe look like another Arab state, and they want to exterminate Isreal and every jew on the planet. The U.S. will NEVER let that happen. When the Arabs start to take over the little countries in Europe, the U.S. will be there to help stop it there, too. And guess what? THERE IS NO *beep*ING OIL IN EUROPE!

    It is not a war for oil, it is a war for freedom. Did you get that? It is not a war for oil.

    23:38:28 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

    "It is not a war for oil, it is a war for freedom."

    Wow... just WoW! There are still people that actually think others hate you for your freedoms. HAHAHAHAH! Stop deluding yourselves, nobody cares about you or your freedoms, there are plenty of objective reasons to dislike the USA that don't include hating of freedoms.

    You should stop watching Fox News, you might learn that "arabs"(lulz!) aren't taking over Europe, by the way I think you mean muslims, not arabs. You might want to learn the difference between muslims and arabs.

    Please stop spewing zionist rhetoric, the Palestinian issue is as much Israels fault as anyone elses, also if anyone will exterminate anything in that area it's Israel that will do it with their nukes.

    There is oil in Europe retard, it's in the north sea, Norway has been getting rich on it long time.

    In closing, while oil prices are universal, buying locations aren't, unlike what you claim. USA's top 5 oil sellers are Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela and Nigeria, all with over 1 million barrels of oil per day. Unlike what you might think there aren't that many countries US could have invaded easier than Iraq(which is 6th on the list of oil sellers to the USA). Funny enough the CIA actually tried to remove Chaves as leader of Venezuela i*beep*ut the coup they backed failed, so they moved to the next target. Did you even know the CIA funded a coup in Venezuela? I doubt it.

    23:44:11 Oct 14th 08 - Mr. Bluewrath:

    ok... everyone that says GWB is a good president or the best, please open your eyes. Since he went into power gas price doubled, went to war with two countires, made the United States have a bad image of who we are, he's allowed other nations to buy land in the mainland, stock market going to *beep*, and we went from using 30% foreign oil to 70%.

    GWB reminds me of Hoover. The nation was falling apart but made no improvements of the nation. Both just waited for their terms to get over and left the next president with a huge problem to deal with.

    00:13:31 Oct 15th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

    And I hope to hell the next President takes care of it as well as FDR did...

    01:11:11 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:

    GWB has nothing to do with the stock the, stock market has been falling because of bad loans, not because of Bush. You can't blame a president for an economic crisis. It was corrupt officials like Obama, and Hillary who took BRIBES FROM Fannie and Mac which STOPED ANY INVESTIGATION into their spending. In 2004 Fannie and Mac's corrupt spending was found out about. Investigation was stoped, and guess who said no to it? Basically every democrat alive.

    Who cares if they bought land in our country? We've bought land in theirs whats the problem?

    The amount of foreign oil a country uses is the countries problem not the presidents, and if you d@m enviromentalists would let us drill we wouldn't be having the foreign oil problem.


    GWB is not the most terrible president, but hes definitely not the best.

    Before you try blaming bush look back to Clinton, heck you can even look all the way back to Carter's presidency and find that this series of events was cause by him. Get educated before you tell your own truths!!!



    Before you try blaming bush look back to Clinton, heck you can even look all the way back to Carter's presidency and find that this series of events was cause by him. Get educated before you tell your own truths!!!


    " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

    01:29:04 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

    Poor Brainiac panic is already setting in and it's still 3 weeks to the election, at this rate you'll be pulling hairs in a week.

    01:46:42 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:

    Yeah, well at least I know the truth.....

    01:46:43 Oct 15th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

    He gets my vote despite the running candidates :p

    01:47:04 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:

    Lol, and if Obama does get elected I won't be pulling out my hairs, I'll be moving to Japan.....

    03:13:49 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Wicked Witch of The West:

    LoL FAIL. Why does Obama suck so bad Braniac? And honestly anyone who thinks that America is losing it's superpowerness in nothing less then a decade is on crack.


    03:40:17 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Brainiac:

    Go to the links and you'll find out why!


    Look at his state the school system their is a sham, the state is probably the worst in the Union besides a few others... Look it up... Don't make me do it for you, or do you lack brain capacity to do that?

    08:24:50 Oct 15th 08 - Mr. Josef Fritzl:

    Oh somebody's lacking brain capacity around here, that's for sure, but it isn't him.

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